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Planning Board Mins 4-6-2017
                                    MEETING MINUTES
                                        April 6, 2017
                                     Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Chris Condon , Colleen Giffin (Staff), Bob Holmes   (Member),
Steve MacDonald (Member), Bob Edwards (Ex-Officio),
Lynne Rosansky (Member)
Members Absent:   Jeanne Cahoon , Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner )
Janet McEwen (left early)
7:00 PM Public  Meeting: Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
 He welcomed our new Ex-Officio Mr. Edwards, the new Planning Board
member Ms. Rosansky and the returning Ms. McEwen. He also welcomed back all the returning members.

Business Meeting
Approve March 2, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Mr. Mac Donald moved to accept the meeting minutes of March 2. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Ms. McEwen brought the Survey results from the Town elections.
Mr. Holmes has taken charge of them for the time being.

Election of Officers
Chair Condon gave a brief overview on how a person can be
nominated for an office by verbal motion or make a motion to elect by ballot.
Mr. MacDonald nominated Chris Condon for Chair, Ms. McEwen seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes no, MacDonald yes, Edwards yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes
Chris Condon was elected Chair
Mr. Holmes wanted to make it clear he was not voting against Mr. Condon,
but against how the meetings progressed at times. Chair Condon agreed with him and he has endeavored to do better.
Chair Condon asked for nominations for Vice-Chair
Ms. McEwen nominated Jeanne Cahoon for Vice-Chair, Mr. Holmes seconded.
Ms. Cahoon had sent out an e-mail expressing interest in staying Vice-Chair:
I am learning a lot from sitting as the vice chair, and would love to hold that position and feel like
sitting in Chris's absence was a bit of a struggle for me. Knowing that, I do not feel like
I would be a benefit to the board as any more then vice chair ~(in case it is in question)however am comfortable taking the chair place when needed.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Edwards yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes
Jeanne Cahoon was elected Vice-Chair
Chair Condon asked for a Motion to appoint Colleen Giffin as the Planning Secretary.
Motion: Ms. McEwen made the motion, Ms. Rosansky seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Chair Condon gave an explanation on how he plans to improve his position as
Planning Board Chair by focusing on keeping the meetings on track by making a
more conscious effort to use the Robert’s Rules of Order. He has also repositioned
himself at the end of the tables so he is able to see all of the members better and
know exactly who is talking and who is waiting to say something.
Chair Condon has asked that Mr. Holmes help keep things in line.
Mr. Edwards had questions about how the Board handled questions from the public.

Go Over By-laws
Ms. McEwen suggested that everyone look over the By-laws and then
make suggestions and comments vs. taking them on one-by-one.
Chair Condon narrowed down the sections that the Board should concentrate on would be section seven
Section 7 Meetings
7.8  Decorum.  
a.  No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once.
b.  All remarks must be directed to the Chair, except during a public hearing, until the hearing is closed for deliberation.
c.  Members will speak only when recognized by the Chair.
d.  For purposes of deliberation the Chair may suspend any of the above rules

Mr. Holmes suggested that the Chair ask each member if they would like to speak on a
subject before opening it up to debate. This way allows all the Board members a chance to speak.
‎ Mr. Holmes would like all members to go over the standards of conduct in public meetings
Discuss CIP
From the Planning Board by-laws;
Section 2.a Capital Improvements Committee
2.a.1.  The Capital Improvements Committee (CIP) is responsible annually for preparing a long-term budgeting program for capital expenses.  
2.a.2   Two members of the Planning Board shall be appointed annually at the organizational meeting (see 3.2) by the
Chair to serve on the CIP Committee.  All other to at three two other members of the CIP Committee are appointed by the Select Board.  The Committee elects its own Chair from the membership.
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion that at least three other. Ms. Rosansky  seconded. Mr. Holmes amended the motion to two other members.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Edwards yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes
2.a.3.  The Committee presents its final Plan to the Planning Board prior to submitting it to the Select Board and Budget Committee.
2.a.4. The first meeting of the CIP cannot be any later than the second week in May.
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion that the first meeting cannot be any later then the second week in May. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Edwards yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes

Mr. Holmes would like to see a rotating schedule of Planning Board members for the CIP committee.
Mr. MacDonald countered that the Capital Improvement Planning can take some time to learn, so that there
should be a few members that pledge to stay on to take the lead in teaching anyone joining the committee
what the true goal is of the CIP. Mr. Edwards is concerned that anyone who would be interested in running
for the Planning Board may be discouraged if they learn that they also have to be on the CIP as well.
It may be too much of a commitment for some people. Mr. Holmes would like a start date put into the By-laws.
The Planning Board members on the CIP Committee will consist of Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Holmes. Mr. Edwards will
be the Selectman on the committee.This committee will try to focus on the future of the infrastructure of the town and less on the yearly budget.
The CIP is not only a plan it is a process.

Go Over vision statement
Chair Condon would like to table this until next meeting. Mr. Holmes suggested that for the next meeting the
group choose several of the points to combine and to work on.
Chair Condon explained to Mr. Edwards that the Board would like to make the Masterplan more reader friendly ,
while keeping the context of the original plan intact. The Board would like to make it a living document.

Discuss Excavation Site Tours
Chair Condon tabled this until more research could be done on what changes had been made to the
excavation permits. Carol Ogilvie will be consulted about if this needs to be done or not. Ms. Giffin will check the records to see who will be up for renewal.

Chair Condon brought up the OEP conference. He explained to Ms. Rosansky that all first year Board members needed to attend this meeting.

Website bill
Chair Condon has spoken with Michael Rondeau. Mr. Rondeau has paid for the Antrim 2020 website
up through March 2018. The Chair feels that these bills are consistent with what was requested of Mr.
Rondeau and that no other bills will be coming through. Even though these bills equal a higher
amount then what was originally agreed upon, Chair Condon will accept a motion that the Board pay them.
Motion: Mr. MacDonald made a motion to pay Mr. Rondeau for the Antrim 2020 website until which
time the site can become a page on the Town of Antrim’s website. Mr. Holmes seconded.
Ms. Rosansky stated that this project just keeps costing the Board money. The budget had been set,
it was discussed, yet Mr. Rondeau still went over it after being told how much he was allowed to spend.
Chair Condon explained that some of the services that were part of the website were never used.
He also suggested that a committee be formed to figure out a way to get the Antrim 2020 webpage
onto the Town of Antrim’s website with a page of their own. This will be discussed at the May fourth meeting .
Roll Call Vote: Holmes yes, MacDonald yes, Edwards yes, Rosansky yes, Condon yes

Chair Condon reminded everyone of the upcoming. OEP conference. Ms. Rosansky needs to attend this meeting as a new member of the Planning Board.

Adobe Pro DC
Ms. Giffin has requested that the Land Use Boards pay for the Planning Department to have
Adobe Pro downloaded onto the Planning computers, laptop and desktop.
She has requested the Land Use Boards pay half and the Town pay the other half, it will total $180. 00.
Motion: Ms. Rosansky made a motion to pay the bill for the Adobe to be downloaded on to the Planning Desktop & Laptop. Mr. MacDonald seconded.
Mr. Holmes made a motion for a friendly amendment that the motion read that the
Land Use Boards pay half the bill and the Town of Antrim pay the other half.
Motion on the Floor: For the Land Use Boards to pay half the bill and the
Town of Antrim to pay half the bill for the Adobe to be downloaded on to the Planning Desktop & Laptop.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Discussion about this year’s budget and how it should be presented.

Mr. Holmes made a request that Ms. Ogilvie be involved in the search for information
about preserving stonewalls, old foundations and other historical stone works on properties
that are being looked at by the Planning Board. Or if something can go into the zoning ordinances to protect historical stone walls and foundations.



Motion: made a motion to adjourn. seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned    8:50 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin, The Planning Board